Jun 15, 2010

Setting myself up for failure

So once I again here I set up WAYYY too late on a work night with lots of things left undone on my to-do list. I don't know why I always do this to myself. Every day I make 2 to-do lists - one for work and one for home. Every day I put more items on each list than I ever seem to get done.

Am I not productive enough? I feel like I stay busy all day long and get things done, but it never seems like enough. So either I am not as efficient as I should be or I am putting too many things on my list. I'm not sure yet which it is, but I'm not happy with either option.

Don't get me wrong - I like to stay busy. I function best when busy and multi-tasking. But is sure would be nice to not feel like I am always behind at the end of the day. :-(

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