Jun 6, 2010

Goodbye Busy Weekend. Hello Busy Week.

This has been a very, very busy weekend!!

Saturday I had the pleasure of doing a 31 party for Ellyn, the sister of my should be sister's boyfriend. Ellyn lives in Grifton, NC so I had a bit of a drive to get to her house. Luckily it was an easy (though longish) drive. I had a great time meeting all of her friends and family and am thankful for the opportunity to introduce them all to the great products 31 has to offer. While mommy was "at work" daddy and Chase spent the day together.

Today I had another 31 party, this time in Louisburg, so Chase and daddy got to spend a few hours together again this afternoon.

Both days after I got home Chase and I played outside for a while with (but not in) his little inflatable pool. For some reason he wouldn't get in the pool this weekend, though he has in the past. Not sure what all that is about.

Overall it was a good weekend. As is the norm these days there were several meltdowns/tantrums from Chase. I wish I felt better equipped to deal with him when he starts throwing his tantrums. Hopefully that is something I will quickly learn with time. :-(

Since Chase missed his afternoon nap both Saturday and Sunday he went to bed early both nights which meant I had a little more time than usual to do some stuff for myself. Saturday was spent working on 31 follow-up stuff from Ellyn's party. After I finished with all of that I watched "Dear John". I had read the book when it first came out and was really looking forward to the movie. I don't remember crying when I read the book, but I sure did last night. For like half the movie I was teary eyed. All in all I enjoyed the movie, though it wasn't as good as the book (in my opinion).

Tonight I've watched 2 episodes of The Tudors (LOVE that show!) and now am watching Army Wives (another of my favs!). Anyone out there watch either? I have a feeling it might be a 2 tissue night for Army Wives, I already feel myself tearing up.

(For the record, I was NEVER, EVER this emotional about TV before I had Chase.)

I have a busy week ahead at work, and should be mentally preparing, but I'm not. Why does Monday morning always have to come so quickly??

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