Jun 3, 2010

An Introduction to Me

After much consideration and internal debate I have decided to start my own blog. Since the birth of my son last year I have found a great deal of support online via various discussion groups, message boards, and blogs. Even after the daily need for new mothering advice passed I have found myself more and more following others' online journeys and taking comfort in the fact that I am not alone in my struggles as a mother, wife, friend, sister, etc. So, here I am. I felt it only fair that if I am going to eavesdrop on others' online lives I should put mine out there for everyone else.

Chances are that if you are reading this blog you already know who I am and what my life is about, but in case you have stumbled upon this site (as I have so many times myself stumbled upon other's) let me tell you a little bit about myself.

First of all, "Confessions of a TV Junkie" - where on earth did this title come from? I thought long and hard about what I would call my blog. I wanted something flashier than just "Jenni's Life", but couldn't really come up with anything that I deemed unique/cool enough. A friend suggested "I Survived Bus 110" and while I liked the idea (and the memories) I didn't feel it accurately described me. (Sorry Gina!)

So what to call my blog?? I am a self professed entertainment and TV junkie. Prior to having my wonderful son I watched upwards of 40 TV shows a week and was considered by all of my co-workers to be a walking TV Guide. We have 2 DVRs in my house and at any given time both are over 70% full. I read TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly more frequently and with more concentration than most people read the newspaper. Yes, I know TV will rot your brain, but isn't everything bad for you in some way or another?? So "Confessions of a TV Junkie" it is.

What else is there to know about me? I am a small town girl who is trying ever so hard to find the perfect balance between family, work, and everything else. My husband (Kip) and I have been together for 13 years this fall and have been married for a little over 6 years. I live in the same small town that I grew up in and am within 20 minutes of most of my family. I talk to my mom, dad, and sister almost every day and wouldn't have it any other way. Almost every Friday I eat at the local Mexican resturaunt with my sister, her boyfriend, and my cousin/almost sister Amy. These Friday night Mexican dinners have been a tradition for over 2 years now and are the highlight of my week. My favorite person in the whole wide world outside of my immediate family is my Aunt Kelly. She has always been there for me and is like a second mom. I don't get to see her or talk to her as much now as I once did and I miss the time that we used to spend together.

While my family is important to me, my work is also important. I have a wonderful job working as a research analyst for a local bank. I have often said that it is my dream job as it combines my interests in finance, marketing, and research. While I love the work I do, I love the people I do it with even more. My co-workers are my second family. They know when I'm happy, sad, and everything in-between.

I am a self confessed OCD, controlfreak, nerd. I was never part of the popular crowd growing up, though I yearned to be one of the cool kids. I have never been one to have a large group of friends, instead I have always felt like I was on the outside looking in. While I have come out of my shell some over the last few years, I still have a long way to go.

I have recently taken on a side venture, acting as an independant sales consultant for Thirty-One Gifts. While I am still fairly new at this I have found that I really enjoy having an additional outlet for my OCD, nerdy, goal oriented tendancies. If you have never heard of Thirty-One I can promise you that you will learn lots about it here! (In the meantime, you can check out my website, www.mythirtyone.com/JenniChampion).

Above all else I am a mother to the most wonderful son in the world, Chase. Chase is 14 months old and while I love him to death I will be the first to admit that he is at times a handful. Being a mother has totally transformed my life. It is so rewarding, but also SO hard at times. I have never questioned myself as much in my entire life as I have in the last 14 months. Am I a good enough mother? Am I cheating my son by working? Am I an awful mother because I actually LIKE my job and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that I feel when completing a project at work?

While I have questioned myself a lot over the last 14 months I have also learned a great deal about myself. I see in Chase many of the qualities I wish I could change about myself: I am impatient, I want things done my way, and I want them done when I want them done. I am very reserved around big groups though I want so badly to be accepted. I get cranky when I am tired and even more cranky when I am hungry. I get frustrated very easily when I can't make things work the way I want them to work. I am NOT a morning person.

Well, I guess that is enough for now. Be sure to check back from time to time and see what's going on with me.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging!!!

    I think you will find your blog posts will become therapy - believe me, they have been so for me.

    I'll keep up with you, and look forward to reading more!!!

    btw - you never mention in this post that you were both a newspaper editor and novelist in middle school! hahaha! :-)
