Jun 20, 2010

Feeling weepy on a Sunday night

Not sure why, but feeling very weepy tonight.

The weekend was not exactly what I would describe as good. Chase has been MAJORLY cranky - I think/hope because he has teeth coming in. What I had hoped would be a fun day at the pool yesterday turned into a series of tantrums. He screamed because he was in the pool, screamed because he was out. I couldn't seem to make him happy. I HATE days like that!! I already feel like I'm a horrible mother most days of the week and when I am unable to make Chase happy on the weekends it makes me feel even worse. Today was a little bit better, but not much. We went to dinner tonight with mama, daddy, and Jamie for Father's Day and I spent almost the entire meal trying to placate him. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow for Kip. . .

Tonight was the series finale of The Tudors. I knew how it was going to end, but it still made me sad. I have really enjoyed watching the series over the last few years; I learned more history through watching the show and doing additional research than I ever did in my high school European class. I found myself throughout the series feeling sympathy for not only Henry's wives, but also for Henry. The Tudors was an awesome show, and I am sad to see it end. :-(

So maybe that is why I find myself weepy tonight? Or maybe it is because I never quite feel like I am the mother I should be? Or maybe it has just been a really LONG week and a LONG weekend?

Here's hoping for a better week!

1 comment:

  1. Were you in our World History class with Mr. Thomas???!!! :-)

    I know that I'm not a mother - and my chances of such are slim to none - but I'm still going to tell you that you ARE a good mother and that ALL mothers feel as you do from time to time. Hang in there!
