Jun 4, 2010

A Mother of a Migraine

Well, I have to say this has been one of the strangest Friday nights in a while. Normally, myself, Chase, Jamie (my sister), Jim (my sis's boyfriend), and my should be sister Amy find ourselves at the local Mexican resturaunt, El Perico, on Friday nights. This week however Jamie and Jim are at the beach and Amy had her dance recital - Part 1 so Chase and I were left on our own. :-( Kip was off work today for a much needed visit to the dentist and I had imagined earlier today that the three of us would enjoy a little family time with just us tonight since it so rare to have Kip home on a Friday night. As usual though, things didn't work out exactly like I had planned in my head. I hate it when that happens!!

About 3:30 this afternoon my wonderful co-workers and I took a gelato break. We are fortunate enough to work in one of the most awesome locations in Raleigh with LOTS of excellent restaurants within walking distance of our office. One such establishment, Henry's Gelato (http://www.henrysgelato.com/) has quickly become a favorite for a special mid-afternoon treat. So off to Henry's we went for the second day in a row. (Our group LOVES field trips, especially if they involve food!)

On the way back to our office I began to get tunnel vision - a sure sign that a migraine is fixing to come knocking on my door. Once I got back to my desk I quickly downed three advil and started drinking water like I had been in the Sahara for 30 days hoping to head the migraine off before it hit full force. Luckily I was able to get rid of the tunnel vision, but unluckily the migraine still made it's way in. I ended up leaving work a few minutes early to avoid traffic (I have a 1 hour commute each way) and had to forgo my plans to run errands after work. About 15 minutes away from home (I had been counting down the minutes as I drove in silence and tried to not focus on the pain) I was hit with a wave of nausea that completely over took me. Not to get too graphic, but I am not one to normally throw-up, so for me to have to pull over because I was sick I knew was a sign of bad things to come.

Kip had already agreed to pick Chase up from my parents' house this afternoon (they keep him for us during the day) so when I got home my plans were to crash in the bed with all of the lights turned off, blinds closed, curtains pulled, etc. Kip was still recovering from his dental work and had not yet gone to pick up Chase. In the end my wonderful parents decided to take Chase out to eat with them since neither Kip or I were in much shape to try to entertain a wide-open 14 month old. By the time they brought Chase home I had had a couple of hours rest and my headed was (for the most part) gone. Thank goodness for my parents!! They really saved me tonight!!

So no Mexican for me this Friday. :-( No family time like I had hoped for. Instead I got a mother of a migraine. Lucky me!!

P.S. I should have known this morning when I got peed on by Chase that my day was not going to go as planned. How in the world it is possible to get peed on when he has on a freshly changed diaper, I'll never know, but I did. Happy Friday to me!

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