Jun 25, 2010

How did I get to be SOOOOOO disorganized??

I used to be a very organized person. In fact so much so that when me and 6 family members took a trip to NYC 7 years ago I earned the nickname "Captain Preparedness." So how is it that I have ended up where I am today - completely and totally disorganized??

Since having Chase I have found that in order for me to do the things I need to do and not forget about them until it's too late I have to write it down. At any given moment I have at least three to-do lists going - one for work, one for housework, and one for other personal/non-work reminders. Even the most simple of to-dos that should be easy to remember (like cleaning Chase's ears out or cutting his finger nails) has to be written down or I will completely and totally forget.

Not only am I not able to keep straight from hour to hour / day to day all of the things that I need to, I also cannot keep track of where anything is anymore. Earlier this week I spent half the night looking for the Brad Paisley CD that I bought over a year ago and have only listened to a handful of times because I couldn't remember where I put it. I could see in my mind all of the places that it could have been, but of course it was in none of those places. Finally, it occur ed to me to check my desk at work (where I keep a lot of CDs - have to have music while I work) and finally was able to put my hands on the missing CD.

Last night I spent over an hour looking for a new shade of fingernail polish (a very pretty purple) that I bought a few weeks back but hadn't yet had time to use. I very vividly remember putting it on the counter in my bathroom, but it has disappeared and is no where to be found. It bugs me WAYYY more than it should to know what it is missing. If only I could remember where I put it after taking it into the bathroom. . .

Even my DVR has become a disorganized mess. At any given time I have over 70 hours of unwatched shows - some from as far back as June of last year (season finale of Entourage, I am talking about you).

I just wish that I could feel like I had a little bit of a better handle on my life. I like to be in control, and right now I feel like my life is controlling me instead of me controlling my life. My mom says it will get easier or I will just learn to live with it. Please, oh please, let it get easier, because I just don't know that I can live like this for much longer!!

Jun 21, 2010


There was this awesome quote last night on The Tudors by Henry VIII about time and how it was the one thing man could never win back. I have tried unsuccessfully to find this quote tonight becuase I can so relate to it!!

Here it is 11:55 and yet again my morning/day/night have gotten away from me. How do I always do this?? It's time for bed and yet I still have so many things I need/want to get done. :-(

In addition to feeling WAYYY behind all day today I have also been feeling a little bit like I don't know exactly where I fit anymore in life. Before Chase was born I used to feel like I knew exactly who I was and how I fit into all of the aspects of my life. Lately though, I feel like I don't really fit anywhere really well. Kinda like a puzzle piece that you are trying to force into a spot that just isn't quite right. I wish I knew why I felt this way, or better yet how to feel differently.

Am I the only mother who can't seem to find the right balance between all of the different priorities? Am I the only one who feels like she is failing at everything? Am I being too hard on myself?

Jun 20, 2010

Feeling weepy on a Sunday night

Not sure why, but feeling very weepy tonight.

The weekend was not exactly what I would describe as good. Chase has been MAJORLY cranky - I think/hope because he has teeth coming in. What I had hoped would be a fun day at the pool yesterday turned into a series of tantrums. He screamed because he was in the pool, screamed because he was out. I couldn't seem to make him happy. I HATE days like that!! I already feel like I'm a horrible mother most days of the week and when I am unable to make Chase happy on the weekends it makes me feel even worse. Today was a little bit better, but not much. We went to dinner tonight with mama, daddy, and Jamie for Father's Day and I spent almost the entire meal trying to placate him. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow for Kip. . .

Tonight was the series finale of The Tudors. I knew how it was going to end, but it still made me sad. I have really enjoyed watching the series over the last few years; I learned more history through watching the show and doing additional research than I ever did in my high school European class. I found myself throughout the series feeling sympathy for not only Henry's wives, but also for Henry. The Tudors was an awesome show, and I am sad to see it end. :-(

So maybe that is why I find myself weepy tonight? Or maybe it is because I never quite feel like I am the mother I should be? Or maybe it has just been a really LONG week and a LONG weekend?

Here's hoping for a better week!

Jun 15, 2010

Setting myself up for failure

So once I again here I set up WAYYY too late on a work night with lots of things left undone on my to-do list. I don't know why I always do this to myself. Every day I make 2 to-do lists - one for work and one for home. Every day I put more items on each list than I ever seem to get done.

Am I not productive enough? I feel like I stay busy all day long and get things done, but it never seems like enough. So either I am not as efficient as I should be or I am putting too many things on my list. I'm not sure yet which it is, but I'm not happy with either option.

Don't get me wrong - I like to stay busy. I function best when busy and multi-tasking. But is sure would be nice to not feel like I am always behind at the end of the day. :-(

Jun 10, 2010

Thoughts on Change

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." ~ Unknown

"If you want to make enemies, try to change something" ~ Woodrow Wilson

"Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." ~ Bertold Brecht

Ask anyone who truly knows me and they will likely tell you that I DO NOT LIKE CHANGE!! Big, or small I am generally not a fan of changes. This is something I recognize about myself, and am trying to get better at, and I must say that being a mother has given me LOTS of practice. Goodness knows there have been lots of changes in my life since finding out I was pregnant in July of 2008. While I think I handled the major life changes associated with pregnancy and having a new baby pretty well, I find myself more and more getting bogged down with the multitude of little changes that I experience in day to day life.

For example, when I got my RAZR phone years ago (recently replaced with a BlackBerry) I spent half a day or more trying to figure out how to make the time always display on my phone like it did on my older model. After spinning my wheels for much longer than was probably acceptable I finally came to the conclusion that it wasn't possible and somehow learned to live with having to press the side soft key to see the time display. In the big scheme of things NOT a big deal, but it seriously rocked my world for the first few days of having my new phone.

I was reminded on this story this week as my work computer was upgraded to a new version of Microsoft Office. A wanted (and needed change) with lots of benefits (or so I'm told), but, nonetheless this CHANGE has kicked my @$$!! Everything I have tried to do has taken at least 3X longer than it should which infuriates me. I like to be as efficient as possible at work (and in my personal life) and can't stand it when something that would normally take me 30 minutes turns into an 1.5 hr long project. And then there are the things that I have slowly found myself unable to do in the new version such as save a DBF file in Excel and update our common task list. Minor inconveniences in the big scheme of things, but MAJORLY aggravating when trying to do the things you are used to doing without any issue.

While I realize that change is often needed and necessary, I sure do wish it would be a little less painful, or that I would somehow adapt more quickly.

"The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings." ~ K. Okakaura

Jun 8, 2010

Loving my sweet little boy

Tonight was a really good night with Chase.

"New" things he has learned in the last week or so:
  • Chase now gives really, really good hugs! SOOOOOO sweet!
  • After getting his bottle at night (yes he's still on a bottle) he walks right into his room where I'm waiting for him and closes the door behind him so we can have a story and go to bed.
  • When brushing (or at least pretending to brush) his teeth at night he now brushes mine while I brush his - VERY CUTE!
  • Grandpa taught him how to empty his toy box. We're still working on picking the toys back up once emptied. :-)
  • Beginning to use a spoon by himself.

Now if we could only get Chase learning (and saying) some more words. He's a very, very smart boy, but not very verbal right now . . .

Don't Stop Believing

Watching the season finale of Glee and rocking out to the awesome music. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!

Jun 7, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hope everyone's Monday went well. Mine was very, very busy at both work and home. Highlight of the day was feeding Chase his supper and watching him learn to use a spoon by himself. I was SO proud of him, even if he did make a mess of things. :-)

After I got Chase to bed I did quite a bit of Thirty-One related work. June is looking like it will be a quiet month. I'm hoping that things will fall into place, but in typcial Jenni fashion I am worrying myself to death about it.

Off to read a bit more in my Laura Bush biography and watch "Secret Life of an American Teenager" (yes I know I'm probably the only person that watches this show).

Jun 6, 2010

Goodbye Busy Weekend. Hello Busy Week.

This has been a very, very busy weekend!!

Saturday I had the pleasure of doing a 31 party for Ellyn, the sister of my should be sister's boyfriend. Ellyn lives in Grifton, NC so I had a bit of a drive to get to her house. Luckily it was an easy (though longish) drive. I had a great time meeting all of her friends and family and am thankful for the opportunity to introduce them all to the great products 31 has to offer. While mommy was "at work" daddy and Chase spent the day together.

Today I had another 31 party, this time in Louisburg, so Chase and daddy got to spend a few hours together again this afternoon.

Both days after I got home Chase and I played outside for a while with (but not in) his little inflatable pool. For some reason he wouldn't get in the pool this weekend, though he has in the past. Not sure what all that is about.

Overall it was a good weekend. As is the norm these days there were several meltdowns/tantrums from Chase. I wish I felt better equipped to deal with him when he starts throwing his tantrums. Hopefully that is something I will quickly learn with time. :-(

Since Chase missed his afternoon nap both Saturday and Sunday he went to bed early both nights which meant I had a little more time than usual to do some stuff for myself. Saturday was spent working on 31 follow-up stuff from Ellyn's party. After I finished with all of that I watched "Dear John". I had read the book when it first came out and was really looking forward to the movie. I don't remember crying when I read the book, but I sure did last night. For like half the movie I was teary eyed. All in all I enjoyed the movie, though it wasn't as good as the book (in my opinion).

Tonight I've watched 2 episodes of The Tudors (LOVE that show!) and now am watching Army Wives (another of my favs!). Anyone out there watch either? I have a feeling it might be a 2 tissue night for Army Wives, I already feel myself tearing up.

(For the record, I was NEVER, EVER this emotional about TV before I had Chase.)

I have a busy week ahead at work, and should be mentally preparing, but I'm not. Why does Monday morning always have to come so quickly??

Jun 4, 2010

A Mother of a Migraine

Well, I have to say this has been one of the strangest Friday nights in a while. Normally, myself, Chase, Jamie (my sister), Jim (my sis's boyfriend), and my should be sister Amy find ourselves at the local Mexican resturaunt, El Perico, on Friday nights. This week however Jamie and Jim are at the beach and Amy had her dance recital - Part 1 so Chase and I were left on our own. :-( Kip was off work today for a much needed visit to the dentist and I had imagined earlier today that the three of us would enjoy a little family time with just us tonight since it so rare to have Kip home on a Friday night. As usual though, things didn't work out exactly like I had planned in my head. I hate it when that happens!!

About 3:30 this afternoon my wonderful co-workers and I took a gelato break. We are fortunate enough to work in one of the most awesome locations in Raleigh with LOTS of excellent restaurants within walking distance of our office. One such establishment, Henry's Gelato (http://www.henrysgelato.com/) has quickly become a favorite for a special mid-afternoon treat. So off to Henry's we went for the second day in a row. (Our group LOVES field trips, especially if they involve food!)

On the way back to our office I began to get tunnel vision - a sure sign that a migraine is fixing to come knocking on my door. Once I got back to my desk I quickly downed three advil and started drinking water like I had been in the Sahara for 30 days hoping to head the migraine off before it hit full force. Luckily I was able to get rid of the tunnel vision, but unluckily the migraine still made it's way in. I ended up leaving work a few minutes early to avoid traffic (I have a 1 hour commute each way) and had to forgo my plans to run errands after work. About 15 minutes away from home (I had been counting down the minutes as I drove in silence and tried to not focus on the pain) I was hit with a wave of nausea that completely over took me. Not to get too graphic, but I am not one to normally throw-up, so for me to have to pull over because I was sick I knew was a sign of bad things to come.

Kip had already agreed to pick Chase up from my parents' house this afternoon (they keep him for us during the day) so when I got home my plans were to crash in the bed with all of the lights turned off, blinds closed, curtains pulled, etc. Kip was still recovering from his dental work and had not yet gone to pick up Chase. In the end my wonderful parents decided to take Chase out to eat with them since neither Kip or I were in much shape to try to entertain a wide-open 14 month old. By the time they brought Chase home I had had a couple of hours rest and my headed was (for the most part) gone. Thank goodness for my parents!! They really saved me tonight!!

So no Mexican for me this Friday. :-( No family time like I had hoped for. Instead I got a mother of a migraine. Lucky me!!

P.S. I should have known this morning when I got peed on by Chase that my day was not going to go as planned. How in the world it is possible to get peed on when he has on a freshly changed diaper, I'll never know, but I did. Happy Friday to me!

Jun 3, 2010

An Introduction to Me

After much consideration and internal debate I have decided to start my own blog. Since the birth of my son last year I have found a great deal of support online via various discussion groups, message boards, and blogs. Even after the daily need for new mothering advice passed I have found myself more and more following others' online journeys and taking comfort in the fact that I am not alone in my struggles as a mother, wife, friend, sister, etc. So, here I am. I felt it only fair that if I am going to eavesdrop on others' online lives I should put mine out there for everyone else.

Chances are that if you are reading this blog you already know who I am and what my life is about, but in case you have stumbled upon this site (as I have so many times myself stumbled upon other's) let me tell you a little bit about myself.

First of all, "Confessions of a TV Junkie" - where on earth did this title come from? I thought long and hard about what I would call my blog. I wanted something flashier than just "Jenni's Life", but couldn't really come up with anything that I deemed unique/cool enough. A friend suggested "I Survived Bus 110" and while I liked the idea (and the memories) I didn't feel it accurately described me. (Sorry Gina!)

So what to call my blog?? I am a self professed entertainment and TV junkie. Prior to having my wonderful son I watched upwards of 40 TV shows a week and was considered by all of my co-workers to be a walking TV Guide. We have 2 DVRs in my house and at any given time both are over 70% full. I read TV Guide and Entertainment Weekly more frequently and with more concentration than most people read the newspaper. Yes, I know TV will rot your brain, but isn't everything bad for you in some way or another?? So "Confessions of a TV Junkie" it is.

What else is there to know about me? I am a small town girl who is trying ever so hard to find the perfect balance between family, work, and everything else. My husband (Kip) and I have been together for 13 years this fall and have been married for a little over 6 years. I live in the same small town that I grew up in and am within 20 minutes of most of my family. I talk to my mom, dad, and sister almost every day and wouldn't have it any other way. Almost every Friday I eat at the local Mexican resturaunt with my sister, her boyfriend, and my cousin/almost sister Amy. These Friday night Mexican dinners have been a tradition for over 2 years now and are the highlight of my week. My favorite person in the whole wide world outside of my immediate family is my Aunt Kelly. She has always been there for me and is like a second mom. I don't get to see her or talk to her as much now as I once did and I miss the time that we used to spend together.

While my family is important to me, my work is also important. I have a wonderful job working as a research analyst for a local bank. I have often said that it is my dream job as it combines my interests in finance, marketing, and research. While I love the work I do, I love the people I do it with even more. My co-workers are my second family. They know when I'm happy, sad, and everything in-between.

I am a self confessed OCD, controlfreak, nerd. I was never part of the popular crowd growing up, though I yearned to be one of the cool kids. I have never been one to have a large group of friends, instead I have always felt like I was on the outside looking in. While I have come out of my shell some over the last few years, I still have a long way to go.

I have recently taken on a side venture, acting as an independant sales consultant for Thirty-One Gifts. While I am still fairly new at this I have found that I really enjoy having an additional outlet for my OCD, nerdy, goal oriented tendancies. If you have never heard of Thirty-One I can promise you that you will learn lots about it here! (In the meantime, you can check out my website, www.mythirtyone.com/JenniChampion).

Above all else I am a mother to the most wonderful son in the world, Chase. Chase is 14 months old and while I love him to death I will be the first to admit that he is at times a handful. Being a mother has totally transformed my life. It is so rewarding, but also SO hard at times. I have never questioned myself as much in my entire life as I have in the last 14 months. Am I a good enough mother? Am I cheating my son by working? Am I an awful mother because I actually LIKE my job and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that I feel when completing a project at work?

While I have questioned myself a lot over the last 14 months I have also learned a great deal about myself. I see in Chase many of the qualities I wish I could change about myself: I am impatient, I want things done my way, and I want them done when I want them done. I am very reserved around big groups though I want so badly to be accepted. I get cranky when I am tired and even more cranky when I am hungry. I get frustrated very easily when I can't make things work the way I want them to work. I am NOT a morning person.

Well, I guess that is enough for now. Be sure to check back from time to time and see what's going on with me.