Jul 26, 2010

Discipline - what works??

Although Chase is only 16 months old we seem to have somehow entered the fun, fun world of the terrible two's already. It seems that no day is complete without at least one tantrum, several toys thrown across the room, lots of hitting, and now head-butting. I feel so out of control sometimes.

Nothing I do seems to help curb Chases's acting out. He responds very well to praise - nothing motivates him more that a "yay Chase" - but I can't seem to find the secret to getting him to NOT do something. I have tried time-outs, but he throws such a tantrum that it is pretty pointless. And while I don't have any problem with (s)pankings they don't work either. (And it feels very counter-productive and confusing at this point to punish him for hitting by (s)panking.)

I wish I felt more in control and capable of teaching Chase how to behave the way he should. I worry that if he doesn't learn now it will only get worst as the years progress.

It also doesn't help that Chase all but ignores me when I ask him to do something. I can say "put your toys in the toybox" 10 times in a row and he completely ignores me. But let someone else (mama, daddy, Jim, Jamie, etc.) tell him and he'll usually listen. SOOOOOOOOOOOO frustrating!! I hate that most of the time I have to spend with him during the week is spent repeating myself and facing a battle of wills over simple things like diaper changes and putting toys up.

Don't get me wrong, Chase is overall a good kid. And I'm sure that my perspective is a bit skewed. We really do have some good / easy times. It's just hard to remember them when I am trying to put a diaper on a very uncooperative, loud, unhappy, screaming, thrashing little boy. :-(

Any discipline advice?? I'm all ears!

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