Aug 24, 2010

Gone too long

I know I suck because it has been WAYYYYYYYYYYY too long since I have even thought about posting anything out here. I'll try to do better. I promise! Just not tonight. :-(

Aug 2, 2010

It's been so long

Since I have taken any pictures of Chase :-( I feel like SUCH a bad mommy, but it is so hard to take pictures of him these days. He's all over the place!!

Chase is now 16 months old and growing into such a little man.

This weekend was LOTS of fun for him. I had an open house here yesterday to introduce the new fall 31 line to everyone and one of my friends brought her little boy who is 2. I was a little apprehensive about how Chase would do with all of the people and with the other kids since he's not around kids much, but he did GREAT. He had an awesome time playing with Jayden! And then later in the day Vada came over and he got to play with her for a while, so it was a really exciting day for him!

Chase has also learned to climb onto the couch all by himself now. Hard to believe that this time last year he wasn't even able to crawl! My how things change in a year!

Now if we could only get him talking a bit more. He does say "kit-kit" now (yay! I actually taught him something!), and understands SOOOOO much it's almost unbelievable. He just isn't quite there with the verbalization.